Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation is proud to announce the 2022 Aspiring Entrepreneurs Business Competition. In past years, our annual Entrepreneurial Bridge Event featured a competition that was open to college students in southern Minnesota. Through conversations with past and current partners, we have learned that entrepreneurs may or may not follow the traditional path of a four-year college degree. That is why we are opening up this Business Competition, which is now a standalone event, to anyone who lives in our 20-county region and is within the 18-25 year old age bracket.
Submit your business plan for the opportunity to pitch to our partners, investors and others in the southern Minnesota entrepreneurial ecosystem in Owatonna on March 31, 2022. Additionally, our finalists will have access to business training for their pitch session, free consulting hours and a chance to win investment funding for their business.
Prize Package:
-Total value of the prize pool for top three finalists is $15,000 in investment funding
-Opportunities to pitch for regional investors (including possible SEED funding)
-Invitation to training focused on the final pitch session on March 31, 2022
-Access to consulting hours after the competition
Have questions about eligibility or the application process? Please contact: Maddy Fisher, Economic Development Specialist at or 507-214-7029
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Northfield Chamber of Commerce & Tourism for more information.
19 Bridge Square, Northfield, MN 55057 – (507) 645-5604 –